Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reunion Chapter 20!

It's that time again ladies (and...gentlemen? do we even have any male readers?)...
It's Reunion Friday! We know, and apologize again for less frequent posting schedule, but what can we say? We're busy bees.
This weeks chappie is courtesy of the lovely Trin (aka TFX), and it's a good one!
Don't forget to review and leave Trin some love. She did a kickass job!

Friday, October 16, 2009

We're trying to get up and running!

Testing testing testing...
Holy sweet baby jeebus. This pic has caused quite the uproar today, so we put our own little nerdy spin on it, and gave Rob some awesome glasses to go with his Batman shirt and flannel.
Whew! Time to go fan ourselves!